Robert J. Goldston (1950-present)

Professor of Astrophysical Sciences
Director, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (1997-2009)
Office Phone

Robert Goldston is a Professor of Astrophysical Sciences at Princeton and associated faculty with the Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment and the Program on Science and Global Security. He served as director of the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory from 1997 to 2009. Goldston is an international leader in the fields of plasma physics and magnetic fusion energy and has authored more than 220 academic papers and conference proceedings. In 1995 Goldston co-authored the textbook “Introduction to Plasma Physics” with Paul Rutherford. His research focuses on experimental plasma physics, plasma heating and transport for fusion, edge power handling, and fusion reactor and power plant designs. Along with socioeconomic variables in nuclear energy and nuclear proliferation risks.

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