Created by Ila Nako '26 (Kanaka ʻŌiwi), Gustavo Blanco-Quiroga '25 (Aymara), Cassie Eng '25, and Wiley Kohler '25; advised by Travis Chai Andrade '24 (Kanaka ʻŌiwi) Eugene Wigner: Eugene P Wigner was a physicist at Princeton who contributed to developing the nuclear bomb w/ the Manhattan Project – see Nathaniel H. Furman: Documents at site #4 were found in the N. Howell Furman Papers archives in Special Collections at Princeton University. Nathaniel Howell Furman was an alum from the great class of 1913 and an analytical chemistry professor at the university. His nuclear research had a direct impact on the advancement of the Manhattan Project, including working on the analytical separation of uranium to make it easier to utilize isotopes. Walter Bleakney: Documents at site #5 and #6 were found in the Walter Bleakney Papers located in Special Collections at Princeton University. Bleakney was a physics professor from 1932-1969 and deeply involved in nuclear weapons research during WWII. He was the head of the Princeton Ballistic Project and was part of the Princeton University station of the National Defense Research Committee. He is most known for his work on the shock tube. David Lilienthal: Documents at site #13, #19, #27 and #33 were found in the David Lilienthal Papers located in Mudd Library at Princeton University. Lilienthal was the first chairman of AEC. Though he was not affiliated with Princeton University, he was a resident of Princeton, NJ, and donated collections of documents to the university when he passed. Lyman Spitzer and John Wheeler: Documents at site #25 were found in the Lyman Spitzer Papers archives in Special Collections at Princeton University. Spitzer and Wheeler were both professors who played key roles in Project Matterhorn - see and And head to this page on the Nuclear Princeton website for more information about key Princeton figures who were not highlighted in our project: