Hugh Stott Taylor (1890-1974)

Professor of Chemistry, Princeton University
Manhattan Project

Hugh Stott Taylor (1890-1974) was an English chemist and Professor of Chemistry at Princeton. During WWI, Taylor returned to his home country of England to work in Munitions Inventions. He returned to Princeton where he helped create the Department of Chemical Engineering. Under Taylor’s direction, Princeton offered its first courses in chemical engineering in 1922. In 1934 the Department of Chemical Engineering split from the Department of Chemistry. During WWII, Taylor worked on the Manhattan Project with the Kellex Corporation. One of Taylor’s most significant contributions was his discovery of a method to create pure, radioactive heavy water. He also worked at the K-25 uranium enrichment plant at Oak Ridge where he helped design a barrier for uranium separation. After the war, Taylor continued his teaching and research at Princeton, becoming a world-renowned expert on catalysis. 

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