M. Awschalom, F. L. Larsen, and W. Schimmerling “Induced Radioactivity And Related Measurements in a 3 GeV High Current Proton Synchrotron” IEEE Transactions on Nuclear Science (1967) https://accelconf.web.cern.ch/p67/pdf/pac1967_0980.pdf 

Outline: Some of the experience gained while working with and around the radioactivated components of a high current 3GeV proton synchrotron is briefly presented and discussed. The topics presented are: 1) air radioactivation in the synchrotron room, 2) correlation between measured neutron fluxes through the synchrotron magnets and remanent radioactivity 3) transferable radioactivity, 4) radiation exposure to personnel, 5) radioactivation of machine components and shielding.